How to apply eye drops & eye ointments properly
1. Please wash your hands thoroughly before applying the eye drops & eye ointments.
2. If there is rheum or dirt in the eye, please wipe it out.
3. Read the instructions given on the label carefully then
3.1 open the cap of the Eye drops solution and place the cap upside down on the a clean surface.
3.2 open the cap of the Eye ointments and place the cap lean down on the a clean surface.
4. The patient should lay back on couch or a bed. The lower lid is pulled down by pulling down over the cheekbone (not pressing the eye ball). There is a trough or space between the lid and the eye ball when the patient look up.
4.1 Eye drops > The eye solution is dropped into this trough.
4.2 Eye ointments > Squeeze ribbon (approximately 0.5-1 cm in length) of ointment into the pocket or the corner from the inner to the outer.
5. To prevent contamination, please avoid touching the tip of the bottle or tube against the eye or anything else.
6. The patient may close the eye for one minute so that medication will have enough contact time with the eye. With cotton balls or swabs, wipe any excess solution or ointment from the eyelids.
1. In case of applying two or more eye drops or eye ointments, you should use them as the following order,
st > Clear eye drops
2nd > Ophthalmic suspension (similar to the milky appearance)
3rd > Eye gels
4th > Eye ointments
With approximately five-to-ten minute separation from each bottle or tube.
2. If the eye ointment is found dry or solid, squeeze the unwanted.
3. Replace the cap as soon as you finish the application to avoid the contamination.
4. If the eye drop or eye ointment is indicated to be applied before bedtime, use it at the indicated time strictly.
5. After opening the bottle or tube, you should not keep it more than 1 month.
6. Possible complications might be found; after the application, if inflamed or itchy eyelids or conjunctiva occurred, stop using it and see the doctor.